Robotics and Automation Engineering was started during the year 2013 under Anna University, Chennai with an intake of sixty students. Robotics and Automation Engineering is one of the oldest streams of engineering of all. It is sometimes referred as the mother of all branches, has the widest application base of all branches. It includes areas such as energy, fluid mechanics, dynamics, combustion, design, manufacturing processes, systems modelling and simulation, robotics, and many more. Robotics and Automation Engineering are the pillars in development of various engines, different type’s f motor vehicles, air crafts and aerospace parts, in the process of design of state-of-the art manufacturing units, power plant equipment, heating and cooling systems and a vast assortment of simple and complex machinery.
With time the role and scope of Robotics and Automation Engineering has crossed boundaries. It has gone way beyond its traditional facet and is applied virtually in almost all industries. It has made an entry in the field of nanotechnology; development of composite materials, bio-medical applications, environmental conversations etc. Robotics and Automation Engineering are involved with seeking new knowledge through research, creative design and development and with the construction, control, management and sales of the devices that are needed by users.
The scope of this particular job profile now requires to understand the financial and marketing aspect of product development and even in to people and resource management.The courses offered for a degree in Robotics and Automation Engineering varies from college to college. While most colleges offer a regular 4 years programme that gives a degree in BE (Robotics and Automation Engineering), LJCET offers another 4 years programme which is called a Robotics and Automation Engineering Course in which students have to take industrial training during the 5th, 8th semester.
The course has proved to be very beneficial in forming the personality of a student as a practicing engineer and to give insight to understand and acquire engineering skills. The industrial training has been very beneficial in getting employment opportunities for the students.