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  • We are Building the
    Future Engineers
    Experienced teachers nurture the students by providing
    them practical training and training beyond books.
    Experienced teachers nurture the students by providing
    them practical training and training beyond books.
Since 2006

Lord Jegannath College of Engineering and Technology

Our college was founded and run by PSN Education and Charitable Trust, P.S. Nadar Building, court road, Nagercoil. The trust was founded with a view of promoting the technical education to the neglected rural youth by the great visionary Dr. P. Suyambu Nadar, our chairman along with his team of charitable personalities as board of trustees. Our chairman has succeeded in achieving his dreams and now because of his efforts he runs eight educational institutions.


  • Two days training program on "Internet of Things" during 10-10-2023 to 11-10-2023.

What We Teach

Our Specialized Courses

Why Choose Us?

Running a Successful Institution Since 2006

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Years of Excellence
Students graduated

Our Vision

  To become the preferred institution producing preferred professionals through quality education and training.

Our Mission

  To become a center of excellence in technical education providing youth with opportunities and environment for higher education and research.

  To train and develop students from rural background as total persons and make them good citizens to contribute in the national development.

Memories In Frame

Our Gallery